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What are Last Mile Reassembly Attacks?

Last Mile Reassembly Attacks (LMR) refer to a type of cyberattack where the malicious components are assembled directly in the victim's browser from seemingly non-malicious data. This means that the attack payload is not fully formed until it reaches the final stage (the "last mile")—the victim's browser—bypassing traditional network-based detection mechanisms used by cloud proxies, including Secure Web Gateways (SWGs).

Why is Last Mile Reassembly dangerous to enterprises?

The web browser is the most used application within the enterprise but also the least protected. Bad actors are now increasingly targeting the weakest link: employees and consultants. Unfortunately, most of these attacks happen online when the employee or consultant is going about his daily work.
To counter these threats, security vendors have developed Secure Web Gateways (SWGs) as part of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) or Security Service Edge (SSE) solutions to protect the browser. However, this approach is fundamentally flawed because these solutions are not equipped to detect attacks that occur on the client side.
The Last Mile Reassembly framework exposes a critical weakness in these security solutions. By assembling the malicious payload directly in the browser, these attacks bypass SWGs, no matter how advanced their file scanning capabilities are, including heuristic or AI/ML detection methods. Malicious files, instead of being directly downloaded and scanned on the network, are smuggled through the network and constructed within the browser. Similarly, malicious websites are packaged into formats that SWGs typically ignore and are then reassembled on the client side, completely evading detection.
All SASE/SSE vendors listed in the Gartner Magic Quadrant—who contribute to a Total Addressable Market of US$45 billion in 2023, forecasted to grow to US$80 billion by 2028—are affected by these attacks. Check if your SWG protects you against Last Mile Reassembly Attacks here.

As Presented on DEF CON'32 Main Stage

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What do Secure Web Gateways promise?

Gartner's mandatory requirements for a SWG includes malware protection, threat prevention, content inspection for sensitive data, and URL filtering.

Many SWG vendors claim that they prevent 100% of all known malware and viruses embedded in websites from leaking through the web proxy.

However, SWGs have a fundamental architectural limitation: they only analyse data at the network level and have no awareness of what's happening on the browser. The Last Mile Reassembly Attack Framework exploits this vulnerability, effectively delivering known malware to the endpoints through the SWGs. This breaks most vendor SLAs!

What SWGs can detect

SWGs analyze network traffic and look for signatures/patterns of known malware and phishing websites.

SWGs also prevent sensitive data from being uploaded to unauthorized websites, by scanning a range of file types and file sizes for sensitive content. The limitations are publicly documented by each SWG vendor.

Where do Secure Web Gateways Fail?

No Web Application Context Awareness

No User Interaction Awareness

No Concept of Windows/Tabs

No Site Permissions Awareness

No Extensions Awareness

No Access to Rich Browser Metrics

This makes it easy for attackers to evade SWGs on many grounds.
1. Attackers can orchestrate a host of client-side attacks. These cannot be detected on the network layer.
2. Attackers can exploit channels that are unmonitored or difficult to monitor by SWGs.
3. Attackers can orchestrate any of the reassembly techniques on a website they control.

SWG Evasion Techniques

Smuggling Malware through Unmonitored Channels

SWGs do not support the inspection of certain protocols, and their best practice often asks enterprises to block these protocols entirely, which can hinder the functionality of websites that rely on them. Examples include WebRTC, WebSockets, WebTransport, and gRPC.

Attackers can exploit these channels to send malicious file contents and drop the malware on the client side.

Hiding in Plain Sight

Attackers can package malicious file contents inside WebAssembly modules or other web resources like SVG, CSS, or JS. They can also hide the malicious file inside an image using steganography techniques. These are very difficult for SWGs to detect.

A client-side JavaScript code can then extract the malicious file from these resources and trigger a download.

File Chunking

As SWGs operate on the network level, they cannot differentiate between windows and tabs.

In this attack, we break a file into different parts or chunks and fetch them separately. The SWG sees multiple network requests for these parts but doesn't realise that all these parts will be reassembled in a single tab in a specific order. The complete file will be malicious, but the individual parts are not. On the client side, JavaScript will reassemble these parts in the correct order and trigger a malicious file download.

Encryption / Decryption

In this attack, malicious file contents are encrypted and then transmitted over the network. The SWG doesn't know the password or the key needed to decrypt the data. The password is embedded inside the Javascript code. On the client side, Javascript decrypts the file and triggers a download.

To the end user, it won't seem like a password-protected file, as the entire process happens automatically, but the malicious file is still delivered.

Encode / Decode

Similar to the encryption attack, in this method, the file is encoded into a different format, such as base64, before being transmitted. On the client side, the file is decoded back to its original form, and a download is triggered.

Bypassing File Upload Checks

The file upload bypasses involve all the aforementioned attacks. As an example, a sensitive or malicious file is broken into chunks before being uploaded. The SWG, which operates at the network level, will not recognize that all these chunks are being uploaded through the same tab, thereby bypassing malicious file upload and DLP (Data Loss Prevention) checks.

Delivering Phishing Pages

In this scenario, the phishing page is constructed entirely on the client side and rendered on victim's screen.

One approach is to render an MHTML file, which contains a full webpage and its resources in a single file. Another approach involves using a Canvas Engine, where the entire phishing page is painted on the client side. These methods make it hard for anyone to detect the deception on the network level.

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